- To establish a happy, secure, well ordered and stimulating environment for the staff and children within
- To promote respect for others and their property
- To promote good working habits, a spirit of inquiry and self-discipline
- To encourage children to take pride in what they do
- To offer the children a broad and stimulating curriculum so that each child will flower to the best of his/her ability
- Learn to use language to communicate effectively and develop a love for books and literature
- Develop knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and operations
- Learn to investigate the environment in a scientific way and take an interest in caring for the environment
- Acquire and develop a knowledge and understanding of geography, history and religion
- Be encouraged to enjoy and communicate through aesthetic and physical activities such as art, music and physical education
- To give support and encouragement when difficulties arise; to recognize the role of parents in the pupils' learning process
- To encourage a positive relationship between home, school and community.